Saturday, January 22, 2011

Luke and Amz

I first met the adorable Amy (better known as Amz) & Luke at my niece's 7th Cowgirl Themed Birthday party (yes that is a pony in the background)
It's probably not the place you'd normally find your Marriage Celebrant but after a chat they decided I was the one for them.
We had our first "official" get together yesterday. We filled in the little boxes on the Notice of Intended Marriage form or NOIM (for which I needed to sight their original birth certificates)
and my "getting to know you" quiz. It's not a quiz really, it's a bunch of questions I've compiled to help me gain an insight into their backgrounds, lives, relationship and them as individuals which helps me provided the most personal ceremony possible. We got the ball rolling on what vibe they'd like for the different parts of the ceremony-exchanging of rings, vows, music, readings etc & we laughed along the way. 

We're off & running now, whittling down all the options till we get exactly what fits & feels right for them.
I love hearing people's stories-especially the love stories....and I'm stoked to be part of this exciting chapter in their story.

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